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Jefferson County Lodge No. 9 was originally located in Lake Mills in 1846.  In January of 1848 the lodge moved to the Village of Jefferson.  In 1858, several other lodges were chartered in Jefferson County, and the word "County" was struck from the lodge's name.  Old Jefferson Lodge No. 9 was the sponsor for four other lodges:  Watertown Lodge No. 49 in 1850, Lake Mills Lodge No. 46 in 1852, Oconomowoc Lodge No. 42 in 1851, and Billings Lodge No. 139 at Fort Atkinson in 1862.  


After the deaths of many of its members, Jefferson Lodge began to decline.  The last meeting of the old lodge wsa held in February 1884 to bury Charles Stoppenbach.  Four years later, however, several member of the old lodge joined in a petition to form a new lodge and in June 1889 Jefferson Lodge No. 239 was chartered.  In June 1890 Worshipful Master Warren Porter persuaded the Grand Lodge to change the lodge number from 239 back to 9.  The 1888 charter showing the number as 239 continued to be used by the lodge for nearly 100 years however.  

All of the above information was taken from:  Forward Freemasonry, Copyright 1996, Grand Lodge F. & A.M. of Wisconsin.

Masonic History: Inner_about

The earliest masonic texts each contain come sort of a history of the craft, or mystery, of masonry.  The oldest known work of this type, The Halliwll Manuscript, Reglus Poem, dates from between 1390 and 1425.  This document has a brief history in its introduction, stating that the "craft of masonry" began with Euclid in Egypt, and came to England in the reign of Kin Athelstan.  Shortly afterward, the Cooke Manuscript traces masonry to Jabal son of Lamech and tells how this knowledge came to Euclid, from him to the Children of Israel, and so on through an elaborate path to Athestan.  This myth formed the basis for  subsequent manuscript constitutions, all tracing masonry back to biblical times, and fixing its institutional establishment in England during the reign of Athelstan.

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(920) 674-6715

617 Masonic Blvd, Jefferson, WI 53549, USA

© 2016 - 2025 Jefferson County Lodge #9

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