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Tim Smillie

Starting things out right, Our "Entered Apprentice" website.

Updated: Dec 22, 2019

As we start the 2017 Masonic year, I made a promise to myself and a few of our members that this would be the year we made leaps and bounds on the technological front. I'm told by A LOT of brothers that this web site had been talked about for years (ten?? maybe more??) with little or no action. I do have to take a moment to credit our Secretary for enduring my endless questioning in quite a few meetings asking "hey, how's our website coming?" and then acting by first securing a web domain and then by laying the framework on which to build.

In Masonic terms, this is our "Entered Apprentice" website. A mere rough ashlar. I am thinking that if we want to make this as grand as our imaginations will allow, that we should invoke the blessings of Deity and have an official corner laying ceremony for this humble website. Then maybe it can be brought to light.

Washington Laying Cornerstone

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