Masons come from all walks of life. But what draws men to, and causes them to remain in, the Fraternity? At a recent Lodge meeting, two questions were asked of the membership: "Why did you become a Mason?” and "Why do you remain in Masonry?"
In answer to the first question, "Why did you become a Mason,” family members being involved in Masonry was a common answer. The history and the mystery were also a common refrain. Some other replies:
“The opportunity to form personal connections.”
“To help the community.”
“Assistance to others.”
“Something to do.”
“A positive feeling from childhood of the Fraternity.”
Answers to the second question, "Why do you remain in Masonry,” were even more diverse:
"I like my Brothers. Fun set of guys and the sense of inclusion."
"I enjoy Masonry."
"A lot of work still needed in helping the community."
"The big picture Masonry represents.”
“The sense of purpose and because Masonry allows one to use skills not found in the workplace."
"I stay to continually learn."
"Everywhere I travel, I know I can always find a friend."
"If I need anything, a Brother will help me out, as I would help him."
"So much history to search out."
"The many good men you meet."
"I can’t imagine a life without Masonry in it."
"I like to stay busy."
"In a contentious political climate, the Lodge has men of all political views go beyond merely tolerating each other, they become genuine brothers."
From the words of our own members, you can judge if Masonry is right for you.